The most loved ice cream brand in the country has launched yet another feather in its cap: VADILAL QUIKTREAT Ghee. Owing to its strong linkages with local milk co-operatives, Vadilal group is steadily expanding in various affiliated dairy products like flavored milk (launched under the name Power Sip) , Paneer and Ghee. The VQT Ghee is available in 500 ml (452 g) and 15 kg (16.5 litre) nett.
Vadilal is committed towards ensuring the best of quality, freshness and purity in VQT Ghee as well.
Available only in Gujarat.
Vadilal Industries Ltd has set up India's first artisanal gelato (Italian Ice cream) outlet 'melt in' in Ahmedabad to be inaugurated on Women's Day, which will simultaneously offer pastries and snacks. "Artisanal gelato or Italian Ice cream is much more than low fat ice cream. With 'melt in' we will give Indian customers an unforgettable customer experience of having freshly made artisanal gelato in the original Italian style." says Aastha Gandhi. The outlet, located in Ahmedabad, would also serve savouries like wraps, beverages and bakery items apart from artisanal gelato that would offer customers a different experience all together.